Mariann Bosnakoff

Scientific Administrator

Street address: Dept. of Paleontology and Geology, Hungarian Natural History Museum
1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2.
Postal address: 1431 Budapest, POB 137
Phone: +36-1-210-1075/2310
Fax: +36-1-338-2728
E-mail: bosnakoff(at)yahoo(dot)com


Current research interests
Late Miocene fish otoliths of Lake Pannon
Miocene otoliths of Central Paratethys

Scientific degree
2014 PhD Eötvös University, Budapest

2006 MSc in Geology, Eötvös University, Budapest
2000 Teacher of biology and geography, Teachers' Training College of Eger, Hungary

2012 – 2016 scientific administrator, MTA–MTM–ELTE Research Group for Paleontology
2011 museologist, Dept. of Paleontology and Geology, Hungarian Natural History Museum
2007 – 2010 scientific administrator, assistant research fellow, MTA–MTM Research Group for Paleontology
2004 – 2006 librarian, Central Library, Hungarian Natural History Museum

Honors and awards
2010 Best PhD student poster 2nd prize, 13th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Paleontologists, Csákvár
1999 Best Student Presentation Prize, 20th National Scientific Student Conference, Paleontology
1998 Best Student Prize, 1st Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Paleontologists, Tata

Service in scientific bodies
2015 – secretary at the Division of Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Hungarian Geological Society
2006 – member of the Hungarian Geological Society

basic level website designer skills (Dreamweaver, Drupal)
intermediate level desktop publishing and page layout skills (InDesign)