Krisztina Sebe

Senior research fellow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Street address: Dept. of Paleontology and Geology, Hungarian Natural History Museum
1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2.

Postal address: 1431 Budapest, POB 137

Email: sebekrisztina.geo(at)gmail(dot)com

MTMT | Publikációs lista

Current research interests

Miocene rifting of the Pannonian Basin in SW Hungary

Neogene – Quaternary evolution history of W Hungary

Investigation of caves and cave fossil localities (Mecsek, Villány Hills, Transdanubian Range)

Pre-Cenozoic stratigraphy of SW Hungary


Scientific degree

2009 PhD, University of Pécs

értekezés címe: A Nyugat-Mecsek és környezete tektonikus geomorfológiai elemzése


2000 MSc in Geology and in Biology, University of Pécs


2023                       HUN-REN–MTM–ELTE Research Group for Paleontology

2011–2023           University of Pécs, Department of Geology and Meteorology

2003–2007           MECSEKÉRC Ltd., Pécs


Main research projects

As project leader:

2021-2025           “The beginnings of the formation of the Pannonian Basin: early syn-rift structural evolution of southern Transdanubia (SW Hungary)” (NKFIH FK138638)

2017-2019           Hungarian-Croatian bilateral project „Stratigraphy and correlation of Upper Miocene – Pliocene sediments along the Croatian-Hungarian border” (TÉT_16-1-2016-0004)

2012–2016          “From post-rift phase to basin inversion – late-stage tectonic evolution of a major intra-plate shear zone of the Pannonian Basin” (NKFIH PD104937)

2012                       Stiftung Aktion Österreich-Ungarn, Wien: Rekonstruktion des Pleistozänen Windsystems im nordwestlichen Teil und im unmittelbaren Vorland des Karpatenbeckens


As participant:

2022-2026           The endemic molluscs of Lake Pannon: taxonomy, paleoecology, biochronology, evolution (NKFIH K143787, PI Imre Magyar)

2016–2020          Stratigraphy of the Pannonian Stage (upper Miocene) in southern Transdanubia (NKFIH K116618, PI Imre Magyar)

2018-2019           Korrelation miozäner Vulkanite aus Ungarn mit vulkanischen Ablagerungen in Österreich und Tschechien (Stiftung Aktion Österreich-Ungarn, PI Réka Harangi-Lukács)

2008–2011          “The effect of the wind on the late Neogene and Quaternary sedimentation and morphological evolution of the Hungarian Central Range and its foreland” (NKFIH/OTKA 62478, PI Pál Mihály Müller)

2003                      "Mecsekalja dislocation zone" in Pécs (NKFIH/OTKA 43284, PI Tibor Szederkényi)



Honors and awards

2012       Szádeczky-Kardoss Elemér Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2005       Literature Prize for Young Professionals of the Hungarian Geographical Society

1999       Special prize of the Geological Institute of Hungary at the National Conference of Scientific Student Associations (paleogeography of the Middle Triassic Zuhánya Limestone Fm.)

1999       Gyula Prinz Prize for Young Professionals of the Geographical Institute of the University of Pécs


Fellowships and grants

2023-2024            Hungarian Academy of Science's grant for the support of researchers raising children, to prepare DSc dissertation

2015–2018           János Bolyai postdoctoral scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Upper Miocene stratigraphy and paleogeography

2015                       CEEPUS Freemover grant for research and teaching, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia: Quaternary geomorphology, paleosurfaces, neotectonics

2013–2014           Zoltán Magyary „National excellence” postdoctoral scholarship: Late Miocene–Quaternary tectonics

2012                      Meeting of Young Researchers in Earth Science– The Sedimentary Record of Landscape Dynamics (Salt Lake City, USA): invited participant

2012, 2014, 2015              University of Pécs, bilateral relations 1-week grants for fieldwork: Jagiellonian University, Poland: Triassic carbonates (); University of Zagreb, Croatia: Miocene–Quaternary sediments and neotectonics

2004                       Rector’s grant to publish an English-Hungarian Geomorphological Dictionary

2001–2002           University of Bayreuth, Germany: Erasmus scholarship


Service in scientific bodies

Hungarian Geological Society, inc. HUNTEK – Hungarian Tectonic Working Group (1996–; 2007–: member of board)

Hungarian Commission on Stratigraphy (2009–)

International Association of Sedimentologists (2008–)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences Sedimentological Subcommission (2004–; 2012–2015 secretary)

Regional Committe of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Pécs, Subcommittee for Geology and Mining (2007–)

INQUA Hungarian National Committee (2015–); INQUA TERPRO

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, X. Section of Earth Sciences, committee member (2021–)

Reviewing manuscripts for Sedimentary Geology, Geomorphology, Geology, Quaternary International, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, Geologica Carpathica, Geologia Croatica, Földtani Közlöny (Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society), and applications for the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund and student grants


Teaching activities

1999-     University of Pécs, at BSc, MSc and PhD levels for students in geology, geography, environment studies and biology, in Hungarian and in English: Introduction to geology; Structural geology; Geology of Hungary; Geological mapping; Field methods, measurement and documentation; Map construction methods; Sedimentology; GIS applications in earth sciences; Geology and tectonics in geomorphology; Quaternary geology, Field courses