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Péter Ozsvárt
Senior Research Fellow
Street address: Dept. of Paleontology and Geology, Hungarian Natural History Museum
1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2.
Postal address: 1431 Budapest, POB 137
Phone: +36-1-210-1075/2309
Fax: +36-1-338-2728
Email: ozsvart.peter(at)nhmus(dot)hu
Current research interest
Paleogene benthic and planktonic foraminifera including their taxonomy, paleoecology and biostratigraphy
Reconstruction of Paleogene paleoceanography in the Tethyan Realm and in the Paratethys
Paleoclimate during the Eocene-Oligocene boundary
Triassic and Jurassic radiolarians and their taxonomy and biostratigraphy
Geology and paleogeographical reconstruction in Circum-Pannon region during the Mesozoic
Scientific degree
2004 PhD, Eötvös University, Budapest
1999 MSc in Geology, Eötvös University, Budapest
2006 – Senior Research Fellow, MTA–MTM Research Group for Paleontology (from 2012 MTA–MTM–ELTE Research Group for Paleontology)
2003 – 2006 Young Scientist, MTA–MTM Research Group for Paleontology
Main research projects
As project leader:
2005 – 2008 OTKA F0 48341 project: "Taxonomy and biochronology of Triassic and Jurassic radiolarians from Hungary: relations with global paleoceanographic events"
As participant:
2015 – 2018 OTKA K 112708 projekt: "Hidden richness: Mesozoic and Tertiary benthic assemblages", Project Leader: A. Dulai
2010 – 2013 OTKA K 81298 project: "The initial part of the Mesozoic Marine Revolution and the Middle Triassic radiative evolution", Project Leader: A. Vörös
2006 – 2010 OTKA K 61872 project: "Importance of Triassic and Jurassic slope facies in the geodynamic reconstruction of the NW termination of the Neotethys", Project Leader: J. Haas
2006 – 2009 Hungarian-Croatian Bilateral Collaboration Project: "Archaeometrical research of lithic raw materials for early Neolithic prehistoric communities with the help of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis, with special regard to radiolarites and obsidian", Project Leaders: Zs. Kasztovszky, T. Tezak-Gregl
2005 – 2006 Hungarian-Spanish Bilateral Collaboration Project: "Correlation of Early Cretaceous faunal successions and events in the Betic Cordillera (Spain) and Transdanubian Range, Hungary)", Project Leaders: I. Főzy, M. Company
2004 Hungarian-Chinese Intergovernmental Science and Technology Cooperation Programme Grant CH-23/03: "End-Triassic extinction in Tibet", Project Leader: J. Pálfy and J. Yin
2003 – 2007 OTKA K 42799 projekt: "A Vértes és előtereinek szerkezetfejlődése és annak kapcsolata a kainozoos üledékképződéssel és ősföldrajzzal", témavezető: Fodor László
2004 – 2006 OTKA K 47121 project: "Dinaridic-Hellenidic correlation of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of NE Hungary", Project Leader: S. Kovács
2003 – 2007 OTKA K 42802 project: "The end-Triassic mass extinction, coeval enviromental change, and their driving forces", Project Leader: J. Pálfy
2003 – 2007 OTKA K 42799 project: "Structural evolution of the Vértes Hills including their forelands and the relationship with Cenozoic sedimentation and paleogeography", Project Leader: L. Fodor
2002 – 2006 IGCP 458 Project: "Triassic/Jurassic boundary events: Mass extinction, global environmental change, and driving forces", Project Leaders: J. Pálfy, S. Hesselbo, C. McRoberts
2000 IGCP 393 Project (Participant and organizer): "Shallow water benthic communities at the Middle-Upper Eocene boundary"
Honors and awards
2012 Kálmán Szepesházy Award, Hungarian Geological Society
2011 Young Scientist Award, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2003 Best PhD student talk, 6th Annual Meeting of Hungarian Paleontologists
2001 Best PhD student poster, 4th Annual Meeting of Hungarian Paleontologists
2000 Andor Semsey Young Scientist Award, Hungarian Geological Society
2000 Elemér Szádeczky-Kardoss Award, 3rd prize, Hungarian Geological Society and Academy of Sciences
1999 Junior award for best performance in Earth Sciences on the National Scientific Conference
2008 – 2011 Bolyai Research Fellowship, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: "Paleoceanographic history of the Paratethys: a multidisciplinary study to understand their isolation progress and continental climate change during the Late Paleogene"
2001 AAPG Grant in Aid: "Lateral environmental changes on maximum flooding surfaces – studies on benthic foraminiferas in the Hungarian Paleogene Basin"
2001 Socrates Fellowship, University of Palermo: "Sequence stratigraphy of Eocene deep water sediments by foraminifera from Sicily, Italy"
Service in scientific bodies
Geological Society of France
IGCP Hungarian Committee, secretary (2007– )
Member of the Hungarian Geological Society
Teaching activities
2006 – 2010 Micropaleontology, seminar and practical (Babes–Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca)